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Siemens SIS SDE: Low cost redundancies?

by Galadriel posted on 06.07.2009 07:40 last modified 23.04.2015 20:51

Siemens SIS SDE management is planning to lay off about 25% of its worldwide 5.200 employees. This will not only happen in high cost countries but also in low cost countries like India or Croatia. It is planned that 1.431 employees will lose their jobs. NetLeiwand has obtained the detailed list of jobs cuts planned by country.

Last Monday, June 29th 2009, the CEO of SIS SDE, Mr. Sinha, invited all the 1750 employees of Austria to a meeting in Vienna.

On the one hand he talked about the required trust among each other and the tasks everyone has to undertake worldwide to be successful. On the other hand the dramatically fallen market prices of working hours requires low cost structures. He presented a slide with plans for job cuts in both high and low cost countries.

Planned job cuts by country

Job cuts presented on the SIS SDE employees meeting in Austria 29th of June 2009

Austrian colleagues present at the meeting were rather astonished by these inconsistent messages. Mr. Sinha explained that he doesn't like the actual situation but this doesn't help: The cut of jobs is necessary to secure the workplaces of the remaining 3.800 worldwide. That is much more important. He doesn’t want to bother the Siemens board of directors with this topic next year. To be succesful, we can either achieve higher market prices with innovations or we can be the low cost market leader.

On July 2nd 2009 the 7th round of negotiations between the Austrian works council and the management ended without any result: The management would itself like to select the 632 employees to be fired. The works council rejects this.

Ataollah Samadani, chairman of the Austrian works council announced at the Vienna meeting that the works council will do everythng in its power to stop anyone being made redundant by management in Austria.

(4) Kommentare

Anonymer Benutzer 06.07.2009 09:25
Die Szenerie war wirklich gespenstisch.
Das Management rief euphorisch alle auf, nun gemeinsam, geschlossen, Schulter an Schulter in die Zukunft zu marschieren und den Erfolg sicherzustellen. Die 632 Betroffenen waren bestimmt alle anwesend und
suchten in der Runde die möglichen Schultern, die angesprochen sein könnten.
Anonymer Benutzer 06.07.2009 19:57
Hr. Sinha spricht von Vertrauen.
Wie kann man jemandem vertrauen, wenn er im selben Atemzug über 1400 MitarbeiterInnen abbauen möchte?
Wie kann man jemandem vertrauen, wenn er nicht weiß, wie die Konkurrenz arbeitet?
Wie kann man jemandem vertrauen, wenn er keine Ahnung von allgemein üblichen Arbeitsplänen und bekannten Gepflogenheiten hat?
Wie kann man jemandem vertrauen, wenn er seine untergebenen Manager nicht im Griff hat?
Anonymer Benutzer 10.07.2009 15:23
Ich fand es besonders "vertrauenserwecken" wie Sinha über die Vergangenheit spricht: alles nicht sein Problem.
Und in 2 Jahren steht ein anderer da vorne und erklärt dasselbe nochmal, diesmal für den Rest der Mannschaft. Und dann ist's Schluss mit der PSE oder wie sie dann auch immer heißen wird.
izquierdista 10.07.2009 10:07
There's a Facebook group[…]?gid=90368494078&ref=mf called We fight for every single job, which also has links to lots of photos from our demonstration on 23 June in Vienna. Join us in the fight!!!